About Bohemian Motherhood

Like many people, I like to share my life and hope that others can learn from it.  I hope this blog helps satisfy that mission.  What readers may find different about this blog is my desire to be independent in thought and action, to resist doing and buying things simply because the main pressure points of society dictate that these things are important.  I never used a diaper warmer.  I balk at SUVs and larger vehicles in general.  I encourage my daughters to follow their odd little interests instead of glossing them over in favor of what their friends are doing.  That said, I do try a lot of new things to see if it is something that works for me.  I hope to post a variety of product reviews that are not intended to push a product as much as to say what I personally think about it, but there will be a lot of other information as well.

I attend a lot of local happenings, and my calendar is nearly always bursting with activities and meetings, mostly related to 4-H, Girl Scouts, or things to do with the family.  A lot of these slots in my timetable are things most people know little about, so I would like to share them and let readers hear about things they may otherwise miss.  If I can plug a good cause or tip or two along the way that makes this world better, I will.  Almost all of these will be held locally, which means the Clark County, Indiana, area and the surrounding vicinity, which is close to the Louisville, Kentucky, metropolitan area.  Many people think there is less worthwhile things going on in the community than there actually is or would be in a larger area--sometimes I myself feel as if there is "nothing to do."  I would like to show readers that this is not the case; there's always something interesting to do, simple or exciting.

So, there it is.  I think for myself, do as I please, and am not afraid to be contrary or behind the times.  I imagine the world as a compilation of art and each day a new found piece of the mixed media.  If one day's offerings are a bit misshapen or questionable in regards to the greater composition, I am generally at peace with that.  there are so many experiences to be had and ways to enjoy and refine life.  I have often been referred to as a hippie or having a Bohemian sensibility in my viewpoints, but I embrace it; I have even grown fond of being called eccentric.  It is a pleasure passing down these qualities to my children and feeling that I can go where the day takes me instead of trying to be just another unfulfilled soccer mom.  I tried to fit that mold, and all it brought was angst.  I am much happier being a preschool teaching assistant and self-proclaimed Bohemian mother.